Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day 42

Day 42: Manhattan, NY
$1.84 found

Penn Station Starbucks: $0.02
360 W. 33rd St. (Post Office - Event Space): $1.82

Another huge find today at the end of work.  Standing around amongst the crew and everybody saw all the change lying on the ground but nobody wanted to pick it up.  Even the quarters were left behind!  Today was a good day for finding things.  It seems that there was a certain amount of hastiness involved in other people's decisions to leave the money on the ground as well as it was scattered about.  All the crews were trying to load out of there as fast as possible to save money on manpower and on the event space rental.  Perhaps because the little amount of money on the floor was nothing compared to the amount they were spending while working in there, the money could be left on the floor.  Or perhaps that is a bit of a stretch.  That is not to say that it was not very expensive to be working in there, but that the cost of the event rental had anything to do with the money being there is maybe a little far-fetched.  It definitely was a new record for largest find at a single time.

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