Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1

I've spent a lot of time walking around different cities and a lot of time talking to and listening to people.  The one thing that is hit me over and over is how little we value our small money.  In the US it isn't all that uncommon to hear how people think their change is worthless.  'A penny?!  I don't want a penny.  You keep it.'  I see change all around on the streets, or in stores.  It's made me wonder just why these coins are worthless to people and why they would just throw away their money.  It's still MONEY, isn't it?

So this blog is my record.  For 365 days, I'll pick up whatever money I see on the ground or left on its own once I leave the apartment each day.  And each day I'll take a picture and post it here.  At the end of the year, we'll see just how much money has been left on the streets, in my path.  At the end of the year, I'll also tell you which cities left the most money on the ground, effectively telling you all which city is the modern day El Dorado.

Does anybody have a guess as to how much I'll find?  My initial instinct said something in the range of $100, but after thinking some more, I've lowered it to $50.  Even so, that would be $50 that I've had to do nothing to earn, except bend down and pick it up.  The streets are paved with money, and this is the Search For El Dorado.

Day 1:  Washington D.C.
No money found.

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