Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 11

Day 11:  Manhattan, NY
$0.29 found

Port Authority near Metrocard Terminals: $0.01
Port Authority near free Magazine Racks: $0.02
Port Authority Soda Vending Machine: $0.25
Westbound L train: $0.01

There's a distinct difference in the find of this quarter today, my first find of this denomination.  Whereas finding pennies on the ground, or any coins on the ground for that matter, is mostly because pennies are beneath the notice of most people, a quarter being left behind in a vending machine is more likely because the soda-purchaser had to run to catch a bus, or connection, or somehow forgot that they were owed a quarter back.  Still, such neglect or forgetfulness still falls within the realm of this blog.  Money is still money, no matter the reason it's left behind.

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